Monday, August 6, 2007

Yarn Swift

Yarn Swift
Originally uploaded by linuxgrl
Just finished building my new yarn swift! I'd been wanting to buy one from but couldn't rationalize the cost. The materials (not including the tools) cost just $10. Can't beat that! I followed the great instructions at Crafty Diversions.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

9 to 5 socks

Just had to gush about my current project. It's the 9 to 5 socks from Allbuttonedup. The link to the free pattern is here. I'm knitting these in fabulous sundara sock yarn, from I just can't say enough good about both the yarn and the pattern. Love them both! The pattern is fantastic - These are the first socks that have actually properly fit my feet. They're so stretchy that they would probably fit most anyone's feet though. They pull on so much easier than the other socks I've knit. No struggling, no worries that I'm going to rip them... perfection! And the sundara yarn is fantastic. The color, the base yarn... I'm completely in love with both.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Rusted Root WIP

Rusted Root WIP
Originally uploaded by linuxgrl.
I've just posted pictures of 3 of my current works in progress. Been starting projects like crazy lately and not finishing any of them. I wish I was more monogamous with my projects but it's just so tempting to cast on for something new. I guess I get bored rather easily.

I'm still trying to stick to a yarn diet and use up some of my stash but I did recently acquire 5 skeins of some gorgeous Sundara yarn, plus a bag of teal Southwest Trading Company bamboo. I'll probably make a full-size clapotis over the summer with the Sundara yarn and a couple tank tops with the bamboo. I can't wait for school to be over so I can knit like crazy!

Clapotis WIP

Clapotis WIP
Originally uploaded by linuxgrl.

Montego Bay Scarf WIP

Montego Bay Scarf WIP
Originally uploaded by linuxgrl.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

First Hat

first hat
Originally uploaded by linuxgrl.
I can't believe this is the first hat I've ever knit. It only took a day, and I'm really happy with how it turned out. Next time I'll do something a bit more complicated, but I wanted my first one to be really simple. The yarn is Sheep Shop yarn - sheep number two in color F110. It's incredibly soft and not the least bit itchy. I knit it on size 10 DPN's. Now I'm off to go test its warmth in the Syracuse snow!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Feather and Fan Scarf

Feather and Fan Scarf
Originally uploaded by linuxgrl.
After frogging the bejeweled scarf, I decided to reknit the yarn into something different. This is the feather and fan scarf I found at It's a skinnier scarf so I hope it ends up being long enough!