Thursday, January 18, 2007

First Hat

first hat
Originally uploaded by linuxgrl.
I can't believe this is the first hat I've ever knit. It only took a day, and I'm really happy with how it turned out. Next time I'll do something a bit more complicated, but I wanted my first one to be really simple. The yarn is Sheep Shop yarn - sheep number two in color F110. It's incredibly soft and not the least bit itchy. I knit it on size 10 DPN's. Now I'm off to go test its warmth in the Syracuse snow!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Feather and Fan Scarf

Feather and Fan Scarf
Originally uploaded by linuxgrl.
After frogging the bejeweled scarf, I decided to reknit the yarn into something different. This is the feather and fan scarf I found at It's a skinnier scarf so I hope it ends up being long enough!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Bejeweled Scarf Progress

Bejeweled Scarf Progress
Originally uploaded by linuxgrl.
I'm about halfway through my skein of yarn and I realized that this scarf is going to be WAY too short. I should have known, seeing as how the skein is 220 yards and the pattern calls for 270. Even so, I'm more than a little short, and I doubt I can dye more yarn to match these colors exactly. Plus, I don't really like how scratchy the Patons yarn is on my neck. Well, I definitely have more yarn in the stash so I'm sure I'll start this project again with a softer yarn. To the frog pond!

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Finished Hedera

Side View Hedera
Originally uploaded by linuxgrl.
Just finished one hedera sock and it fits great! Really comfortable too and I can't wait to finish the next one so I can wear them with my new shoes!

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Hedera Socks

Currently working on the Hedera socks from Knitty.
Yarn: Koigu KPPPM (can't remember which colorway)
Size 1 needles, Magic loop method
Started 12/28/06? sometime after Christmas